DRPU Setup Creator Demo 2.0
3.6 MB

DRPU Setup Creator Demo 2.0

DRPU Setup Creator will create installers and uninstallers for your programs
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DRPU Softwares Pvt. Ltd.
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Awards (2)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
3.6 MB

DRPU Setup Creator is a program that will create installers and uninstallers for your programs.
This product will allow you to include in just one file all the content that the user will need to run your application, including a program that will place every needed component in the proper folders within the system. You can add license agreements, installing instructions, ads, and everything you want the user to see when installing your product. This tool will automatically create an uninstaller that, when run, will revert every change performed on your system by the installer.

You will be able to include every detail in the generated installer, such as registry details, added information about the files, the paths where you want your program’s files to be copied, an option to create shortcuts, the icons to be displayed, and many more.

The demo version will be fully functional. The only limitation is that the generated installer will display a small notice when running, telling the user that the installer was generated with an unregistered version of the program.

Senior editor
Daniel Ángel Romero
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Review summary


  • It allows you to customize your installer with all the features you could imagine
  • The demo version is fully functional


  • None



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